Check seller feedback! eBay's seller feedback system is the best way to
verify the experience other buyers had with the seller. Looking at the
comment history of past sales is the best predictor of the quality and
condition of future purchases from the seller.
High feedback percentages range from 100% to 99.5%. Anything lower than 99.5%
will increase the risk. If your purchasing a low cost item it is not as
You can't just look at the feedback percentages. You need to look at the
feedback scores as well. A seller with a score of 500 means they have completed
500 transactions. By taking the feedback score and percentage into account
you can get a good idea of the sellers overall service and listing accuracy.
The higher the seller feedback score the more value the seller feedback percent
has. If a seller has a score of less than 10 with 100% positive feedback percent
its much riskier than buying from a seller with a score of 1000 or more and
a 99.9% positive feedback.
As a general rule if the seller has a very high feedback score and feedback
percent they will work with the buyer to keep their excellent rating. Handling
disputes is usually handled by accepting returns.
Always check if the seller will accept returns. It's important for the buyer
to know the risks before making a purchase.