6 eBay Advanced Search Tips

Here are some eBay advanced search tips to help with eBay searches. SearchDome advanced eBay search tools can be used to narrow your search results by sellers feedback score, price range, specific eBay sellers and item location to name a few.

Once your search is working as expected - save it! Next schedule your search to run automatically at a time and search frequency that works for you. SearchDome provides automation tools for running saved searches automatically once a week, daily, hourly, every 15 minutes, every 10 minutes, every 5 minute or every minute. Yes, that's right you can check for newly listed items every minute if you need too.

If you need help creating effective eBay searches you can use the SearchDome Contact Us page.

Advanced Search Tips

1. How many automated searches can I have ? The number of automated searches available varies by search type. The number of automated searches by search type is shown on the User Settings page.

2. How do I set my timezone? You can specify your TimeZone on the User Settings page. Doing so will ensure that scheduled searches are run at your timezone.

3. How to exclude eBay sellers from search results. You can block one seller or hundreds of sellers. Just enter the eBay sellers id on the exclude sellers page. You'll need to be signed in so your list of excluded sellers can be saved. Next, edit your search and check the checkbox labeled 'Use Exclude Sellers List'. Now when your SearchDome automated search runs any eBay listing created by the seller you excluded will be blocked from your search results.

4. How to search eBay by seller? You can select one seller or hundreds of sellers. Just enter the eBay sellers id on the include sellers page. You'll need to be signed in so your list of included sellers can be saved to your account. Next, edit your search and check the checkbox labeled 'Use Include Sellers List'. Now when your SearchDome automated search runs any eBay listing created by the seller you included will appear in your eBay search results.

5. How to limit when my automated searches run? The User Setting page has a section where you can choose a start and end time for when your search are run. So if a user selects 8:00am and 9:00pm all of their automated searches will only run between 8:00am and 9:00pm. This way you don't get unnecessary search alerts (emails) while your sleeping.

6. How to I set my default eBay site location? The User Setting page provides a list of eBay sites like eBay.com, eBay Motors, ebay.co.uk and ebay.co.de. Select the eBay site you would like to be your default and click the save button.

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